Wealth Protection Management Articles

Wealth Protection Management Articles

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Articles & Blog

Early Warning Signs: Impact of Aging on Financial Decision Making

IT IS INEVITABLE that people will see a decline in their financial skills and decision-making ability as they age. No one is exempt: Everyone experiences normal cognitive aging in their later years, which in turn affects various financial skills. The degree of cognitive decline and its effect on specific financial skills varies by individual.

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Articles & Blog

Your Brain on Money

Your Money & Your Brain by Jason Zweig looks at neuroeconomics, which is research using brain activity, economics, and behavioral psychology to study how we make decisions.

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Articles & Blog

Surviving boomerang kids without depleting your retirement savings

Lili Vasileff is quoted in a recent article by Tom Anderson for CNBC’s ‘Your Money, Your Future’ on how to handle adult children moving back home. Lili says, “Create a spending plan and timeline. The plan should include how expenses are shared, what savings will be tapped to pay for additional expenses and how, if possible, those savings will be replenished.”

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Articles & Blog

Knowing the value of your spouse’s 401(k)?

In this article published in Bloomberg News, Lili Vasileff contributes to a discussion of the state of information sharing in marriages — especially when it comes to financial details. Lili says, ‘‘Most couples don’t share fully financial details about private accounts, the nature of investments, or the amount of savings.\”

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Articles & Blog

How to avoid mistakes dividing up 401(k) assets in divorce

Divorcing couples can face enough agony as it is dividing up possessions and agreeing on custody of children, let alone splitting retirement assets.

Yet that nest egg often represents a divorcing couple\’s largest pot of money. And if the process for the division of those assets is not done properly, there can be a steep price to pay in taxes, penalties or an unintended amount of money going to an ex-spouse.

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