Unsolicited Advice for Brad & Angelina…
Lili Vasileff’s latest published article at Time.com offers her take on news of a famous couple’s pending divorce — with some advice that everyone can use.
Unsolicited Advice for Brad & Angelina…
Lili Vasileff’s latest published article at Time.com offers her take on news of a famous couple’s pending divorce — with some advice that everyone can use.
Know the value of your spouse’s 401(k)?
In this article published in Bloomberg News, Lili Vasileff contributes to a discussion of the state of information sharing in marriages — especially when it
Best Businesses of Greenwich Award 2016
Once again this year, the Greenwich Best Businesses selection group has chosen Lili Vasileff, CFP for the 2016 Greenwich Best Businesses Award in the Investing
Prince’s Death and Your Divorce: There’s a Connection
As we learn about the latest court filings on July 22nd regarding late musician Prince’s estimated $250 million estate, this protracted legal process is also call to
Annuities are tricky to divide in divorce
In the latest “Till Death Do Us Part” feature at LifeHealth.com, Lili Vasileff describes some of the pitfalls that spouses may encounter when divorcing if annuities are involved, and
After Divorce, the Financial Work Ahead
In this recent MoneyBox feature at Slate.com, Lili Vasileff shares her advice with a letter writer who asks if she is on the right track with her post-divorce finances.
Are Your Assets Naked or Protected?
An Interview with Laura Weintraub Beck by Lili Vasileff It was my pleasure to have the opportunity to interview Trust and Estate Attorney Laura Weintraub
Can An Affair Have an Impact on Your Financial Lives?
An Interview with Dr. Janis Spring by Lili Vasileff I was fortunate to have the opportunity to interview Dr. Janis Spring about her work with
Baby Boomer Career Women and Millennial Daughters
I read the recent New York Times’ The Upshot column titled “As Women Take Over a Male-Dominated Field, the Pay Drops” in which the question was