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Wealth Protection Management Articles

Wealth Protection Management Articles

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Articles & Blog

Hot Hollywood divorce trends may not be for you

Where to live following a divorce or separation is one of the biggest questions some couples face.

A trend called bird nesting aims to simplify that problem, particularly when there are children involved. The arrangement occurs when a couple keeps one home for their children and take turns living in it.

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Articles & Blog

How to avoid mistakes dividing up 401(k) assets in divorce

Divorcing couples can face enough agony as it is dividing up possessions and agreeing on custody of children, let alone splitting retirement assets.

Yet that nest egg often represents a divorcing couple\’s largest pot of money. And if the process for the division of those assets is not done properly, there can be a steep price to pay in taxes, penalties or an unintended amount of money going to an ex-spouse.

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Articles & Blog

Your Money: Older couples ponder financial impact of divorce

Lili Vasileff is quoted in a recent article by Beth Pinsker for Reuters Money on how older couples approach the financial aspects of divorce. Lili says, “Some couples are now putting together ‘post-nuptial’ agreements when they physically separate, just so there are rules for financial arrangements to cover things like disposable income and debts.”

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