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Wealth Protection Management Articles

Wealth Protection Management Articles

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Articles & Blog

7 Reasons Spouses, Partners Lie About Money

Ten years have passed, and Lisa*, now 60, still asks herself, Why didn’t I see it coming? At the time, she and her husband, Andrew, were living well: a spacious home in a Chicago suburb, overseas travel, a kid in private school.

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Articles & Blog

How happy couples handle money

Divorce isn’t the happiest way to start the new year, but January is a common time for couples to split: It’s unofficially been dubbed “Divorce Month” in the legal community because of an uptick in divorce filings following the holidays, according to a 2016 study from the University of Washington.

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Articles & Blog

The cost of divorce

Divorce is expensive, often ruinously so. You don’t need an expert to tell you that. However, an expert can help couples going through it to soften the blow.

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Articles & Blog

Divorce: How to stay financially secure when you’re splitting up

Getting divorced is an emotional roller-coaster. It also can be a real threat to your personal finances.

If you don’t approach your settlement with a clear head and an accurate accounting of your finances, you may find that you can’t afford your new life alone or, just as bad, you could jeopardize the retirement you’re envisioning for yourself in the future.

For those splitting up in their later years or for spouses who worked at home for most of their lives, the financial ramifications can be even worse.

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