How to Be the CFO of Your Financial Household
Reach your financial goals by taking a business leader’s approach to your family’s finances.
How to Be the CFO of Your Financial Household
Reach your financial goals by taking a business leader’s approach to your family’s finances.
529 College Savings Plans: Should you consider a change?
Parents often face the competing challenge of funding their children’s college or their own retirement savings.
Confronting an overspending spouse
Lili Vasileff is quoted in a recent article by Brittney Laryea for Magnify Money on how to handle a spouse who is chronically overspending. Lili says, “Financial infidelity is not a financial exercise, its an emotional exercise. Sometimes overspending may be the result of miscommunication, emergency spending, or unrelated, deeply seated emotional issues like an addiction.“
Knowing the value of your spouse’s 401(k)?
In this article published in Bloomberg News, Lili Vasileff contributes to a discussion of the state of information sharing in marriages — especially when it comes to financial details. Lili says, ‘‘Most couples don’t share fully financial details about private accounts, the nature of investments, or the amount of savings.\”
How to avoid mistakes dividing up 401(k) assets in divorce
Divorcing couples can face enough agony as it is dividing up possessions and agreeing on custody of children, let alone splitting retirement assets.
Yet that nest egg often represents a divorcing couple\’s largest pot of money. And if the process for the division of those assets is not done properly, there can be a steep price to pay in taxes, penalties or an unintended amount of money going to an ex-spouse.
Married, so should you have your own slush fund?
In this article by Jean Chatzky for Fortune.com, Lili Vasileff contributes to the discussion of recent research that finds many more men than women have bank accounts or credit cards that their spouse or live-in partner don’t know about. Should a married woman have a slush fund…a stash of cash that her spouse doesn’t have access to and maybe doesn’t even know about?
Five money actions to take in advance of declaring ‘I do’
In the 14 months leading up to their wedding last September, Howard Gutman and his fiancé did what many other engaged couples do. They got down to the business of choosing a venue and hashing out other wedding-related details.
Togetherness in Taxes: Benefits of Filing Jointly
Filing your taxes together may not be the glue that will ensure you stay married forever. But it could save you money and help you cash in on some lucrative tax credits.