Are there any rules for negotiation in divorce?
Are there any rules for negotiation in divorce?
Are there any rules for negotiation in divorce?
Are there any rules for negotiation in divorce?
Divorce Dialogues Podcast – How to Avoid Big Mistakes That Are Made During High Net Worth Divorce
Just because someone may have a high net worth, doesn’t always mean they are good with their money.
What’s More Valuable Time or Money?
Two of the most frequent questions I am often asked are: How long will my divorce take? How much will it cost? My reply is: What is more valuable time or money?
How to Negotiate Alimony or Spousal Support
Today, I wanted to give you a few quick tips on how to negotiate alimony or spousal support.
OUT NOW!!! Divorce and Separation – Connecticut Edition
I am so pleased to announce that our new book Divorce and Separation – Connecticut Edition is out now!
Podcast: How to Avoid Big Mistakes that are Made During High Net Worth Divorces
Podcast How to Avoid Big Mistakes that are Made During High Net Worth Divorces
Most High Net Worth Divorces Go Low Key
I joined The Debbie Nigro Show to discusss how high net worth divorces should stay low key. In divorce, you only get one shot to get it right.
You may have to repay some of the advance child tax credit next year. Here’s what to know
You may have to repay some of the advance child tax credit next year. Here’s what to know
Overspending? 30% of couples have this issue
How do you confront an overspending spouse?