Lili Vasileff recognized by myCPE on International Women’s Day
Lili Vasileff recognized by myCPE on International Women’s Day
Lili Vasileff recognized by myCPE on International Women’s Day
Lili Vasileff recognized by myCPE on International Women’s Day
Alimony Can Be the Most Shocking Point in Gray Divorce – Number 2 in the series on Gray Divorce
Alimony Can Be the Most Shocking Point in Gray Divorce – Number 2 in the series on Gray Divorce
Can the Gray Divorce Be a Perfect Financial Storm? Number 1 in the series on Gray Divorce
Can the Gray Divorce Be a Perfect Financial Storm? How to prepare and protect your financial well-being during and after divorce.
Wealth Protection Management on Meet the Elite Podcast
Wealth Protection Management on Meet the Elite Podcast
Inspiring Business with Mark Bullock and Lili Vasileff
In this episode of Inspiring Business, Mark Bullock interviews Lili Vasileff, a Mediator, Divorce Financial Expert, and the author of four books.
Starting Over after 50 Financial Principles for Divorced Women
After a divorce, some women feel confident and ready to take over all the finances. Others feel uncertain, after years of delegating this job to a spouse.
Over 10 years 43 percent of first marriages can fail – postnups
While couples might sign a prenuptial agreement before they’re married and a “post-nup” after, it’s more than just the timing that differentiates these arrangements, experts say
Mastering Your Financial Life with Judy Heft and Lili Vasileff
In this episode of Mastering Your Financial Life, Judy Heft interviews Lili Vasileff, Owner and Founder of Wealth Protection Management in Greenwich, CT. Lili is a divorce financial expert, wealth advisor, speaker and author four books.
Starting Over after 50: Financial Principles for Divorced Women
On September 21, Advice Chaser will host a webinar titled, “Starting Over After 50: Financial Principles for Divorced Women.”
Social Security Benefits Rules Enacted in 2015
The U.S. divorce rate dropped for the third consecutive year reaching its lowest point in nearly 40 years according to BGSU National Center for Family