ADFP Honors Lili Vasileff with 2013 Pioneering Award
Lili Vasileff, CFP®, CDFA™ and Registered Investment Advisor, received the Association of Divorce Financial Planners’ 2013 Pioneering Award at the recently concluded 11th Annual ADFP
ADFP Honors Lili Vasileff with 2013 Pioneering Award
Lili Vasileff, CFP®, CDFA™ and Registered Investment Advisor, received the Association of Divorce Financial Planners’ 2013 Pioneering Award at the recently concluded 11th Annual ADFP
Obamacare Could Ease Divorce’s Sting
Ex-spouses stuck without health insurance could find cheaper coverage By: Elizabeth O’Brien It’s been well noted that divorce among the over 50 crowd is on
Divorce Your House When You Divorce Your Spouse
Divorce Your House When You Divorce Your Spouse Feb 10, 2012 Marcie Geffner HSH.com Divorce is never a happy circumstance, and the financial necessity of
The New Realities of Retirement and Divorce
Single boomers now represent close to one-third of all retirees By Lili A. Vasileff, CFP, CDFAMs. Vasileff is a fee-only Certified Financial Planner™ professional, a
Financial Neutral Professional in Collaborative Cases
The Financial Neutral Professional in Collaborative cases CLEBC: Getting Started in Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice training November 26, 2012 To see the raw footage of
Lili’s Appearance on CNN Money – Money Saving Tax Tips
Lili’s Money Saving Year End Tax Tips By: Lili Vasileff, CFP(r), CDFA(tm) QUICK TIPS:1. You CANNOT file married for the year if you are
Lili Rings the Bell at the New York Stock Exchange
Lili Ringing the Bell at the New York Stock Exchange attending the FT Investment Management Summit
Divorce and the Special Needs Child
Published in: Domestic Law JournalFamily Law SectionWestern County Bar Association There are few challenges more difficult than going through a divorce while having a