Wealth Protection Management Articles

Wealth Protection Management Articles

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Articles & Blog

Changing Tax Laws Could Affect Divorcing Couples

Couples who have made the decision to divorce in 2018 may be surprised to learn that changes in personal and business income taxes will impact the financial outcomes of their divorce. It is unclear if the new tax rules will make divorce more or less difficult to negotiate legally or financially.

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Articles & Blog

Changing Tax Laws Affecting Divorcing Couples

Couples who have made the decision to divorce in 2018 may be surprised to learn that changes in personal and business income taxes will impact the financial outcomes of their divorce. It is unclear if the new tax rules will make divorce more or less difficult to negotiate legally or financially.

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Articles & Blog

Surviving boomerang kids without depleting your retirement savings

Lili Vasileff is quoted in a recent article by Tom Anderson for CNBC’s ‘Your Money, Your Future’ on how to handle adult children moving back home. Lili says, “Create a spending plan and timeline. The plan should include how expenses are shared, what savings will be tapped to pay for additional expenses and how, if possible, those savings will be replenished.”

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Articles & Blog

Confronting an overspending spouse

Lili Vasileff is quoted in a recent article by Brittney Laryea for Magnify Money on how to handle a spouse who is chronically overspending. Lili says, “Financial infidelity is not a financial exercise, its an emotional exercise. Sometimes overspending may be the result of miscommunication, emergency spending, or unrelated, deeply seated emotional issues like an addiction.

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Articles & Blog

Hot Hollywood divorce trends may not be for you

Where to live following a divorce or separation is one of the biggest questions some couples face.

A trend called bird nesting aims to simplify that problem, particularly when there are children involved. The arrangement occurs when a couple keeps one home for their children and take turns living in it.

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Articles & Blog

Knowing the value of your spouse’s 401(k)?

In this article published in Bloomberg News, Lili Vasileff contributes to a discussion of the state of information sharing in marriages — especially when it comes to financial details. Lili says, ‘‘Most couples don’t share fully financial details about private accounts, the nature of investments, or the amount of savings.\”

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