Warning Signs Your Spouse is Committing Financial Infidelity
Financial infidelity is the act being secretive about of spending money, holding stashes of money or secret accounts, possessing undisclosed credit cards, borrowing sums of money, or otherwise spending money or incurring financial debt without your spouse’s knowledge.

How to Invest Like a Woman – It’s a Style Thing
Understanding the unique challenges women face when it comes to financial wellbeing and learning how investing works are the keys to being able to be confident, financially secure and independent.

March 2021 Newsletter – Late Life Divorce – Divorce and Negotiate as an Equal
My March 2021 newsletter is out. This month I focus on sharing the warning signs when your spouse is committing financial infidelity.

What is Cryptocurrency – Should I Trust a Digital Currency?
A cryptocurrency is a new form of digital asset based on a network that is distributed across a large number of computers.