Marriage is a complicated partnership. When it starts to become undone, no matter how well prepared you are for its ending, there will be choices you HAVE TO MAKE that may be unfamiliar to you.

If you are at the crossroads of contemplating what next steps to take, I understand:

  • What you need the most
  • When you will need it
  • How I can help you

I help you resolve challenging financial conflicts, negotiate a divorce or marital agreement, and customize your financial roadmap to achieve security and peace of mind..

Marriage is a complicated partnership. When it starts to become undone, no matter how well prepared you are for its ending, there will be choices you HAVE TO MAKE that may be unfamiliar to you.

If you are at the crossroads of contemplating what next steps to take, I understand:

  • What you need the most
  • When you will need it
  • How I can help you

I help you resolve challenging financial conflicts, negotiate a divorce or marital agreement, and customize your financial roadmap to achieve security and peace of mind..

As featured in:

As featured in:

As featured in:

I am a pioneer and thought leader in divorce financial planning and consultant to professionals across the country. I am a certified divorce financial specialist offering extensive interdisciplinary skills and knowledge in divorcemediationmarital agreements, litigation support and investments.

A noted authorspeaker, matrimonial litigation expert, financial forensic, Collaborative specialist, and divorce mediator, I make speaking about money simple and to the point. My seasoned experience and skilled advocacy will help you resolve challenging conflicts over money. I help you identify your goals and needs from the very outset, leaving you empowered in your journey.

I Am A Fiduciary, Fee-Only,  Financial Expert Located In Greenwich, CT, Serving Clients in Connecticut, New York and Across The Country.

I am a pioneer and thought leader in divorce financial planning and consultant to professionals across the country. I am a certified divorce financial specialist offering extensive interdisciplinary skills and knowledge in divorcemediationmarital agreements, litigation support and investments.

A noted authorspeaker, matrimonial litigation expert, financial forensic, Collaborative specialist, and divorce mediator, I make speaking about money simple and to the point. My seasoned experience and skilled advocacy will help you resolve challenging conflicts over money. I help you identify your goals and needs from the very outset, leaving you empowered in your journey.

I Am A Fiduciary, Fee-Only,  Financial Expert Located In Greenwich, CT, Serving Clients in Connecticut, New York and Across The Country.

There’s more to financial analysis than you think in divorce, marital agreements, and wealth accumulation 

There’s more to financial analysis than you think in divorce, marital agreements, and wealth accumulation 

All testimonials presented are related to divorce financial planning services. As a Registered Investment Advisor, no testimonials or advertisements are permitted.

Wealth Protection

Divorce & Marital 


divorce strategy

Instead of regretting
“I wish I had known”,
let me answer your FAQs:

  • Can your marriage be saved if communication around money improves?
  • How do you prepare for divorce?
  • How do you start the divorce process?
  • What are your options to divorce?
  • How much will it cost?
  • How long will it take?
  • How do I become financially independent post-divorce?
  • Who do you need to hire?
divorce strategy

Instead of regretting
“I wish I had known”,
let me answer your FAQs:

  • Can your marriage be saved if communication around money improves?
  • How do you prepare for divorce?
  • How do you start the divorce process?
  • What are your options to divorce?
  • How much will it cost?
  • How long will it take?
  • How do I become financially independent post-divorce?
  • Who do you need to hire?

Guidance, Empowerment, & Education

  • Educate you in great detail on all significant financial topics
  • Describe in plain English critical financial tips and strategies
  • Enumerate clearly common planning mistakes, traps, and fallacies
  • Provide guidance for avoiding penalties, costly legal battles, and downside risks

Guidance, Empowerment, & Education

  • Educate you in great detail on all significant financial topics
  • Describe in plain English critical financial tips and strategies
  • Enumerate clearly common planning mistakes, traps, and fallacies
  • Provide guidance for avoiding penalties, costly legal battles, and downside risks

Safeguard Your Future

Take the first step and schedule a confidential and complimentary consultation with me today.

Safeguard Your Future

Take the first step and schedule a confidential and complimentary consultation with me today.



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Subscribe to my newsletter and receive my free guidebook, 7 Steps to Protect Your Wealth During Transition, and other checklists to help you plan for your financial needs.
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Mani-mony: Women Breadwinners and Divorce

Wait….? What???? Yep!!!! It’s time! Women are paying alimony. Women having to pay alimony to their ex husbands isn’t unheard of. In fact, the trend is now known as mani- mony and it’s becoming increasingly more common. Women have fought hard for social equality and pay parity. They worked their way up all the corporate ladders, taking home increasingly more money each year. And with greater paychecks, comes greater responsibility. Hi, I’m Lili Vasileff. I’m a divorce financial expert and I work with clients and professionals across the country. If you happen to be the breadwinner of the family and you’re considering divorce, don’t be surprised if your soon to be ex husband requests alimony support. About a third of American women in marriages now out earn their husbands when they both are working. There are millions more stay -at home dads than there have been in prior decades. Men who previously may have shied away from asking for alimony for fear of crossing their defined gender roles, are NO longer shy nor afraid to ask for money. Laws differ from state to state and there are a number of factors that will typically influence alimony. The income disparity between the spouses and the length of the couple’s marriage are typically the two principal factors. While men aren’t really happy either to pay alimony, they aren’t surprised. Whereas I find more and more women seem to express shock and surprise, and are furious, in fact ! Here’s just a sampling of some of the reactions that I get when I tell this news to them. Quotes: His attorney said they would ask for alimony. Can they actually do that? Or: I make more now but he made so much more money throughout our whole marriage? Or: Why should I pay him if he just sits on his lazy you know what all day? If you are unsure of how your divorce will affect you financially, help is available! A certified divorce financial analyst like myself, can work with you to really pull out the nuances of what’s transpired in your marriage. If you’re worried about preserving wealth, and you want to stay married, contact me for how we can do asset protection strategies. I am Lili Vasileff, President of Wealth Protection Management. Thank you.

What If You Suspect a Spouse is Hiding Assets or Income?

What if you think your spouse is HIDING money or assets? What if you think your spouse is DELAYING the discovery process, hiding assets, or not reporting real income? It is typical for one spouse to manage the big picture finances for the long term, while another does the day to day finances. One spouse may have more sophistication and a deeper knowledge of the couple’s finances than the other. Often this is an unfair advantage in divorce. But hiding assets is serious. It means that your spouse could be transferring assets from joint accounts to individual accounts, to third parties, or simply spending them. Generally though, it’s really not common that people hide significant amounts of assets. Squirreling away cash here and there in savings accounts is pretty typical. Hiding more substantial assets overseas, or in trusts, is a lot more complicated. The most likely candidate to hide assets is the spouse with liquid assets, or, is the higher wage earner, and / or, is a business owner. It’s really up to you to ask: SHOW ME THE MONEY! I have a few tips and an outline for how you go about it. First of all, you need to ask yourself what assets are you trying to find? How do you gain information that you need? Who do you think you need to hire to find out what’s hidden? And what if the assets are literally out of the country? If you take a step backwards, maybe your very first question ought to be : Why do you have a reason to be suspicious? And after you evaluate that, is it going to be worth your money to pursue? There’s always a cost benefit analysis you have to apply. Is it worth the money to spend finding hidden assets or lost income or hidden income, for whatever the (actual) gain may be? Methods used to conceal all of this; tips for how to find it ; methodologies for how you go about it ; people that you need to hire – are all highlighted in the chapters of my book, Money & Divorce: The Essential Roadmap to Mastering Financial Decisions. I am a financial forensic. I specialize in tracking money. Follow the money to your satisfaction! I will advise you whether it’s worth it or not. My name is Lili Vasileff and I’m the president of Wealth Protection Management based in Greenwich, Connecticut. I work with clients and professionals across the country. Thank you.

The Good , The Bad of What is a Legal Separation?

What happens if you’re not sure you want to stay married, but you’re not ready for divorce? What are your options? Especially when it comes to disentangling your finances? There are certain financial options that are available to you. The one I’d like to talk about today is called legal separation. What is a legal separation? It actually is a court order and it’s usually just the step before one actually files for divorce. All of the same issues can be addressed in a legal separation. But most of them, and most importantly for you, are the financial issues. The advantages of a legal separation from a financial perspective, and that’s me, I’m a financial expert in divorce, Lili Vasileff, President of Wealth Protection Management, are the following advantages for you. One is insurance coverage. If your spouse has difficulty obtaining insurance, particularly medical insurance or you really like the insurance that you both have now, you may legally separate and still remain on your spouse’s insurance. But there’s an important caveat! You need to double check with the employer’s insurance if a legal separation is NOT considered a divorce so that your spouse can stay on. The second advantage of a legal separation are income taxes. You can still file married jointly and take advantages of certain deductions and credits. The third one is, if you’re really close to that 10 year mark on your marriage, (be aware that) you might want to still stay married so that you would be entitled to the benefits of your ex spouse’s pension and or Social Security. The very last one (advantage), which people often overlook, is a mortgage. If you are both on a mortgage, one or both of you might have trouble qualifying or refinancing the mortgage if you do get divorced. It (a legal separation) gives you a little bit of time to get your (financial) ducks in a row. Other advantages also include, of course, religious or ethical issues; and maybe, just maybe, there’s an opportunity that you can actually improve your marriage while you’re legally separated and not move toward divorce. Clean up your debts, prioritize what’s important to you, prioritize the interests of your children, and really focus on what’s near and dear. The disadvantages of legal separation is that you are (still) married. You can’t remarry. In many jurisdictions, a legal separation may not necessarily involve automatic state orders, which means sort of freezing the status quo. Your spouse may be able to sell or dissipate assets or quit their job without any repercussions. Be careful when you evaluate the pros and cons of legal separation. When you really need a financial strategy, call me ! I am Lili Vasileff . Thank you

Mani-mony: Women Breadwinners and Divorce

Wait….? What???? Yep!!!! It’s time! Women are paying alimony. Women having to pay alimony to their ex husbands isn’t unheard of. In fact, the trend is now known as mani- mony and it’s becoming increasingly more common. Women have fought hard for social equality and pay parity. They worked their way up all the corporate ladders, taking home increasingly more money each year. And with greater paychecks, comes greater responsibility. Hi, I’m Lili Vasileff. I’m a divorce financial expert and I work with clients and professionals across the country. If you happen to be the breadwinner of the family and you’re considering divorce, don’t be surprised if your soon to be ex husband requests alimony support. About a third of American women in marriages now out earn their husbands when they both are working. There are millions more stay -at home dads than there have been in prior decades. Men who previously may have shied away from asking for alimony for fear of crossing their defined gender roles, are NO longer shy nor afraid to ask for money. Laws differ from state to state and there are a number of factors that will typically influence alimony. The income disparity between the spouses and the length of the couple’s marriage are typically the two principal factors. While men aren’t really happy either to pay alimony, they aren’t surprised. Whereas I find more and more women seem to express shock and surprise, and are furious, in fact ! Here’s just a sampling of some of the reactions that I get when I tell this news to them. Quotes: His attorney said they would ask for alimony. Can they actually do that? Or: I make more now but he made so much more money throughout our whole marriage? Or: Why should I pay him if he just sits on his lazy you know what all day? If you are unsure of how your divorce will affect you financially, help is available! A certified divorce financial analyst like myself, can work with you to really pull out the nuances of what’s transpired in your marriage. If you’re worried about preserving wealth, and you want to stay married, contact me for how we can do asset protection strategies. I am Lili Vasileff, President of Wealth Protection Management. Thank you.

What If You Suspect a Spouse is Hiding Assets or Income?

What if you think your spouse is HIDING money or assets? What if you think your spouse is DELAYING the discovery process, hiding assets, or not reporting real income? It is typical for one spouse to manage the big picture finances for the long term, while another does the day to day finances. One spouse may have more sophistication and a deeper knowledge of the couple’s finances than the other. Often this is an unfair advantage in divorce. But hiding assets is serious. It means that your spouse could be transferring assets from joint accounts to individual accounts, to third parties, or simply spending them. Generally though, it’s really not common that people hide significant amounts of assets. Squirreling away cash here and there in savings accounts is pretty typical. Hiding more substantial assets overseas, or in trusts, is a lot more complicated. The most likely candidate to hide assets is the spouse with liquid assets, or, is the higher wage earner, and / or, is a business owner. It’s really up to you to ask: SHOW ME THE MONEY! I have a few tips and an outline for how you go about it. First of all, you need to ask yourself what assets are you trying to find? How do you gain information that you need? Who do you think you need to hire to find out what’s hidden? And what if the assets are literally out of the country? If you take a step backwards, maybe your very first question ought to be : Why do you have a reason to be suspicious? And after you evaluate that, is it going to be worth your money to pursue? There’s always a cost benefit analysis you have to apply. Is it worth the money to spend finding hidden assets or lost income or hidden income, for whatever the (actual) gain may be? Methods used to conceal all of this; tips for how to find it ; methodologies for how you go about it ; people that you need to hire – are all highlighted in the chapters of my book, Money & Divorce: The Essential Roadmap to Mastering Financial Decisions. I am a financial forensic. I specialize in tracking money. Follow the money to your satisfaction! I will advise you whether it’s worth it or not. My name is Lili Vasileff and I’m the president of Wealth Protection Management based in Greenwich, Connecticut. I work with clients and professionals across the country. Thank you.

The Good , The Bad of What is a Legal Separation?

What happens if you’re not sure you want to stay married, but you’re not ready for divorce? What are your options? Especially when it comes to disentangling your finances? There are certain financial options that are available to you. The one I’d like to talk about today is called legal separation. What is a legal separation? It actually is a court order and it’s usually just the step before one actually files for divorce. All of the same issues can be addressed in a legal separation. But most of them, and most importantly for you, are the financial issues. The advantages of a legal separation from a financial perspective, and that’s me, I’m a financial expert in divorce, Lili Vasileff, President of Wealth Protection Management, are the following advantages for you. One is insurance coverage. If your spouse has difficulty obtaining insurance, particularly medical insurance or you really like the insurance that you both have now, you may legally separate and still remain on your spouse’s insurance. But there’s an important caveat! You need to double check with the employer’s insurance if a legal separation is NOT considered a divorce so that your spouse can stay on. The second advantage of a legal separation are income taxes. You can still file married jointly and take advantages of certain deductions and credits. The third one is, if you’re really close to that 10 year mark on your marriage, (be aware that) you might want to still stay married so that you would be entitled to the benefits of your ex spouse’s pension and or Social Security. The very last one (advantage), which people often overlook, is a mortgage. If you are both on a mortgage, one or both of you might have trouble qualifying or refinancing the mortgage if you do get divorced. It (a legal separation) gives you a little bit of time to get your (financial) ducks in a row. Other advantages also include, of course, religious or ethical issues; and maybe, just maybe, there’s an opportunity that you can actually improve your marriage while you’re legally separated and not move toward divorce. Clean up your debts, prioritize what’s important to you, prioritize the interests of your children, and really focus on what’s near and dear. The disadvantages of legal separation is that you are (still) married. You can’t remarry. In many jurisdictions, a legal separation may not necessarily involve automatic state orders, which means sort of freezing the status quo. Your spouse may be able to sell or dissipate assets or quit their job without any repercussions. Be careful when you evaluate the pros and cons of legal separation. When you really need a financial strategy, call me ! I am Lili Vasileff . Thank you